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Pirates Directory

A directory of names from the past. If you have been involved in pirate radio - leave your details on The Pirates Directory and they will be available for others to see.  If you want to contact someone from your pirate past, have a look to see if they have left their details.  Check the Directory frequently for regular updates.  If you sign or view the Pirates Directory just hit back on your browser to return to this site.

Click here to visit the Radio Pirates Directory

My email address, is PLEASE WRITE WITH YOUR VIEWS ON ANY ASPECT OF FREE AND ALTERNATIVE RADIO. If you prefer, you can click here to fill in the guest book and/or send me a message using an easy form !

Click below on where you would like to go. Any of the 'old' links that were previously available via this page will remain accessible for the present if you know their URL, but will be gradually removed as space for re-organisation becomes necessary.

Wonderful Radio London

Including an edited Real Audio recording of the last 2 hours from January 1998.

Radio Forts Web Page
The Radio Forts Web Page

Last updated 01-Jul-1997

Other Media/Anorak Web Sites

Susy Radio Home Page

Home page of the latest project I'm involved with - SUSY RADIO took to the air in 1996 and has been on the air every six months or so ever since. It hopes to be returning to the airwaves with its ninth RSL sometime in 2001. Photos of presenters, programme schedule and other items of interest. Check it out !!

The BigSmile Homepage

Caroline stuff, and links to jingle producers.

Dubious radio page

Unemployed ex-pirate Keith York's pages.

Raymond's Uplink

News about RSL's, UK radio/TV and satellite broadcasters and may be of interest to other 'anoraks'.

Norman Barrington's Home Page

1970's Caroline DJ Norman Barrington's home page. Lots of jingles,photos and memorabilia. Great stuff !

The Free Radio Network

The home page of the 'Greatest Pirate Site on the Internet !!'

Pirate Radio

Chris Smolinski's pirate radio page. Mainly of interest to USbrowsers and being developed as we speak.

Radio Sweden Media Scan

Radio Sweden's media editor, George Wood's page of media news from around the world. Many soundbites, including full programmes, and photos. Also many interesting links. Well worth a visit.

UK Media News

James Cridland's UK Media page from Manchester UK. Lots of links,including one to this page. Well worth a read.

Radio Nederland Home Page

The latest from the world-famous Dutch broadcaster, including programme and frequency listings and previews.

World Radio Network

The home page of the World Radio Network in London. Everything you could ever want to know about that station. A 'must-see' !

Cyber-Radio Page

Henk Lepper's cyberlab radio pages. Radio stuff, jingles, memorabilia etc. Well worth a browse.

Swedish Report Service

Jonny from Sweden's report service home page.

Do *you* have an interesting media/radio/pirate web page that you would like to be included here ? If you do, then write to me at

Important Note: Any mention of radio stations and services included in this page are included purely and simply as NEWS.They do not imply any support, endorsement or otherwise of thereported stations. I feel forced to include the above disclaimer as UK law makes it an offence to support or endorse any unlicensed radio stations, and have in the past threatened legitimate newsmedia with prosecution as they were deemed to be supporting these stations. (It's nice to live in such a free society !)